lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Peace Day

During this week we are doing  some activities to celebrate on  30th, January , the School Day for Peace.
We are going to sing the song "Mensajes de agua" (Macaco). We are making hundreds of drops for decorating different spaces of our school.
It has been choosen a phrase from this song like a motto: "We are all drops in the same sea" .
 We think it is very deep...Do you like it?

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Day (MLK Day) is celebrated on every 16th January in the U.S.A.
Martin Luther King was a leader of the Civil Rights movement in 1960s in America. He hoped that black people and white people would begin to live together peacefully, with equal rights.
He had a dream. Do you think he had achieved his dream? 

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

The Wise Men are coming!!

Are you a good kid? Are you waiting for The Three Wise Men? Have you written your letter asking for presents? We are so nervous, aren´t you? 
We wish you a very nice 6th January!