Our works

We are all working together to do possible a good learning. Some of the presentations you have done are here. Thanks for your work!

ABOUT HISTORYThese presentations have been made by some 6th level students. We are now studying History and that is why our works are about it. Just have a look. They are really welldone!

By: Esther Díaz González and Fernando GibbonLópez

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By: Aurora Lama Jiménez  and Laura Cuadros  Gimeno

By: Enrique Dorado Gil

By: Enrique Dorado Gil and José Javier González Marín

 By: Aurora Lama Jiménez  and Esther Díaz

By: Laura Cuadros Gimeno and Sara de la Rosa Martínez

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  • Contemporary times
Great changes of the 19th centuryBy: Fernando Gómez Galán and Carlos Contreras Mejías
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By: Julia Franco Álvarez and Paula López Garrido

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  • Economic sectors
    If you want to learn  about The Three Economic Sectors, you cannot miss the following presentation.
    It is a really good job!!!!!!!!!
    By: Alejandra García and Ana Galván

The following presentations are about two of the most famous Spanish artist : Dali and Picasso.
Have a look and learn a bit more about their biographies.

  • Dalí 1
By: Enrique Dorado and Fernando Gibbon

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  • Dalí 2
By: Alejandra García and Ana Galán

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  • Picasso 1
By: Esther Díaz and Victoria Figueroa

    • Mosaics

    In 6th grade, we have studied History. We have learnt that in the Roman clture they made mosaics. So, we are making mosaics in Art. These presentations show how you can do it and what you need.
    It´s fun!
     By: Carlos Contreras Mejías

    • By: Ana Isabel Compán

    View more presentations from pluriltybarra.

    • Who was Layka?